Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
Some tapes now available for only $3.00 each - Please call us
$8.00 plus $.50 (shipping) per tape for this speaker
Tapes by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
$8.00 per tape
601- How Torah Study Changes Your Outlook
606-Happiness and Emotions
606 B-Mastering Joy
615 A-Causing Pain With Words
626 A-Teaching Children About Lashon Hara
626 B-Basic Attitudes of Shmiras Halashon
684-Identifying Personality Types
691 A-On Kiruv
691 B-Who is the Ba'al Teshuva?
691 C-Level II Kiruv: Where to Go?
907 A Good Eye
937-The Joys of Repentance
953 A-Midos: What to Change and When
953 B-Begin Again Now, Joys and Frustrations
958-Controlling Anger