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Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss
Our Phone Number:   323-931-8923 - Rabbi Zalman Manela

Tapes by Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss
$5.00 per tape

001 Beraishis
002 Noach
003 Lech L'cha - 5756
004 Chayei Sarah - 1995
005 Toldos - 5757
006 Vayishlach - 5757
007 Vayishlach - 5758
008 Vayeizei - 5756
009 Vayeishav
010 Vayigash
011 Vayigash -1993
012 Vayigash - 5756
013 Vayechi -5756
014 Vayechi - 1995
015 Vayechi - 5757
016 Shmos -5757
017 Vaeira - 1987
018 Vaeira - 5757
019 Vaeira - 1995
020 B'shalach - 5756
021 B'shalach - 5757
022 Yisro -5756
023 Yisro -5758
024 T'rumah - 1995
025 T'rumah - 5752
026 T'zaveh - 5757
027 Matos/Massei - 1996
028 Noso - 1996
029 B'haloscho

Miscellaneous Topics
030 More Diamonds from the Orchas Chaim L'Harosh
031 Bettering Ourselves from Megillas Eicha
032 Love Your Work (From Pirkei Avot)
033 Why So Many Do Not  Find Success in Their Learning
034 Thwarting Poverty!
035 Prayer - The Way to Return
036 The Incredible Story of Osnos
037 Navigating Marital Hot Spots
038 Special Skills for a Sweeter Marriage
(continued page 2, Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss

039 The Incredible Rewards for Kiddush L'vana
040 Fighting the Road to Hell
041 Learning about Hashem's Names
042 The Yetzer Harah and the Fly, Side 1
       Shofar and the Days of Repentance, Side 2
043 An Approach to Rosh Hashana
044 Looking at 63 Areas that Can Use Teshuva
045 Thinking About Others During the Days of Awe
046 Sukkos - 1993
047 Chanukah, Side 1
        Ayen Harah, Side 2
048 How Chanukah Can Change Our Lives?
049 Achashvairosh, Hidden Disease, Side 1
       Insights into Megilas Esther, Side 2
050 Afterthoughts from Purim
051 Megillah - 1995
052 Creating Memories at the Seder
053 Shira and Achdus
054 Hagadah -5756
055 Hagadah and Our Traditions
056 Hagadah Preparations - 5753
057 In Pursuit of Chametz